Sunday, March 4, 2012

And So it Begins

After my fathers retirement he grew a beard and jokingly started calling himself an Old Goat.  He was a life long woodworker, if not by trade by heart.  As he spent his retirement in the shop we often heard him dream of creating a woodworking business that would be called Old Goat Enterprises.  Well Dad, sadly, is no longer with us but his love for woodworking has finally grew in me.   It's taken a long time, so long in fact I now consider myself an Old Goat.  (Thanks Dad, couldn't you have picked something a little more nobel?)  So while I have no intention of ever creating a business, I'd like to dedicate this blog to my father's, and now mine, passion for woodworking.

1 comment:

  1. This is too cool. What a great way to share knowledge and honor your dad.
